Rudraksha Intro

Divine Rudraksha beads – An Introduction:

Rudraksha is the most Powerful, Precious and Auspicious of all the Gems and Jewels available in this world. Creation of Almighty Lord Shiva himself, Rudraksha by far is the epitome of Power and Divinity in a size so small- as a wearable bead. Created solely for the benefit of Mankind – to get them rid of their Past Karmas and to empower them spiritually, mentally and physically while fulfilling their rightful desires and alleviating their pains.

A person wearing Rudraksha subliminally prays to Lord Shiva:

“Hey Shiva-Shambho, you are now a part of my worldly body. You dwell in my Microcosm as well as Macrocosm! Naturally, all my aspirations, dreams and ambitions are yours now, and you are the one who will fulfill them!”

Modern Science has just started to unravel the mysteries of this power core. Whereas, the miraculous benefits of Rudraksha have been revealed extensively in Ancient Hindu Literatures such as ‘Rudraksha Jabala Upanishad’, ‘Shiva Puran’, ‘Devi Bhagvat’, ‘Katyayani Tantra’ any many more.

Apart from Rudraksha, our primordial discoveries like Yoga, Meditation, Yantra Sadhana, Chakra Awakening, Kundalini Jagruti etc. are being researched, acknowledged and adopted by the entire world nowadays. But in the hypnotic spell of modern lifestyle and external gratifications, we have been obliviously ignoring these time-tested and life-changing practices.

To lead a truly contented, balanced and unabatedly successful life, together we should strive for a generation, not just abreast with the latest technology but also equipped with ancient wisdom! And Rudraksha is the most Divine Fruit of our Ancient Science!

There are different types of beads based on various structural classifications, the number of distinct identifiable faces called ‘Mukhi’. Rudraksha thus can be categorized from a ‘1 Mukhi’ to ’21 Mukhi’ (1 faced to 21 faced). Each of these 21 variants have distinct physical characteristic and are worn for unique benefits or purposes. A devotee may choose to wear any of these 21 variations as he chooses. A mere sight of a truly energized Rudraksha may open up doors to many Siddhis besides, health, prosperity and happiness in your life. Unlike other planetary gem stones there are no adverse outcomes or side effects of wearing an original Rudraksha.

Rudraksha also gives a great relief in many a lifestyle diseases like Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Heart ailment, hypertension, migraine, psychological conditions, lack of focus etc. Our ancestors were very well aware of the great value Rudraksha can bring to one’s life and so Vedic Indian civilization gave far greater importance to Rudraksha ornaments than any other treasures like gold or gems. In fact they not only wore it but worshiped it. And so it finds a place in a lot of Hindu religious practices.

From Saints to common man, farmers to corporate heads, politicians to film stars, whoever understood and adopted Rudraksha with utmost devotion, reached greater heights in their life. A lot of them have been aided by Rudraksha in achieving greatness beyond thought and dreams.

The iron lady of India, our Ex-PM Hon. Indira Gandhi, Hindu hridaysamraat Shri. Balasaheb Thackray, Superstars Shri. Amitabh Bacchan and Shri. Rajnikanth, yogaguru Shri. Baba Rambev have two things in common:

  • All of them have worn Rudraksha.
  • They all have redefined the peak in their field. They have not just achieved success but rewritten the definitions of success. They are the people who have set benchmarks for others to follow all their lives.

Current youth icons and celebs too are adapting the ancient wisdom. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Congress Chief Rahul Gandhi, Star actor and Ex. MP Govinda wear Rudraksha. Salman Khan wears a gemstone Turquoise bracelet, Vidya Balan, south star Dhanush, Khushboo, Karina and Saif Ali Khan and many more are just a few to name.

However, many a greedy trader and individuals in the voracity of making money, have been taking advantage of ignorant devotees by selling fake Rudraksha beads nowadays. Many devotees have thus found themselves with no benefits of wearing such forged Rudraksha and ultimately their belief has been shaken. It is thus of utmost importance that while purchasing a Rudraksha, its authenticity has to be thoroughly checked and verified and the purchase too needs to be done from an absolutely trusted and preferably a known source.

Read in Hindi:

रुद्राक्ष (Rudraksha) जैसा शक्तिशाली व दिव्य आभूषण ईस पृथ्वीतल पर शायद हि अन्य कोई होगा. स्वयं शिवजी का यह सृजन हैं. मनुष्यमात्र को पीडामुक्त करते हुये, सभी भौतिक सुखो वरदान मानवता को प्रदान करने हेतू इसकी निर्मिती कि गयी हैं. रुद्राक्ष (Rudraksha) को शरीर पर धारण करनेवाला मनुष्य सक्षात देवो के देव महादेव से प्रार्थना करता हैं,

“हे शिवशंभो, आप अब मेरे शरीर का एक हिसा अर्थात पिंड शरीर हो चुके हो, मेरी सभी आशाये, इच्छाये, महत्वाकान्क्षाये अब आपहि कि हैं. आपही उन्हे पुरी करें।”

सभी रत्नोमें रुद्राक्ष (Rudraksha) सर्वश्रेष्ठ रत्न माना जाता है. १ मुखी से २१ मुखी तक अलग अलग प्रकार के रुद्राक्ष (Rudraksha) अलग अलग फलप्राप्ती हेतू धारण किये जाते हैं. कोई भी व्यक्ती मनचाहा रुद्राक्ष धारण कर सकता हैं. रुद्राक्ष धारण करने से कोई भी हानी नही होती है. (There are no Adverse  effects  / side  effects of wearing an Original Rudraksha). यहा तक कि रुद्राक्ष के केवल दर्शन मात्र से अनेक कार्य सफल होते हैं. रुद्राक्ष कि महिमा तथा महत्ता (Rudraksha Benefits) देवी भागवत, रुद्राक्ष जबाला उपनिषद, शिव पुराण जैसे अनेक प्राचीन ग्रन्थो मे विषद कि गयी हैं.

रुद्राक्ष (Rudraksha) अनेक शारीरिक पिडाओ से भी मुक्ती दिलाता हैं. जिसमे, डायबेटीस, ह्रिदयरोग, उच्च रक्तचाप, मायग्रेन जैसी बिमारीया सामील हैं. अर्थ, काम, धर्म तथा मोक्ष दायक गुणो से भरपूर ईस फल का महत्व हमारे ज्ञानी पुर्वजोने भलीभाती जाना था और ईसी कारण भारतवर्षमे सुवर्ण आभूषणोसे भी ज्यादा रुद्राक्ष को पुजा जाता रहा है.

साधुसंतो से आम आदमी तक, छोटे व्यवसायीयो से Corporate world की बडी हस्तीयो तक, राजनेताओ से सिनेअभिनेता तक जिन्होने रुद्राक्ष का महत्व जाना उन्होने ईसे श्रध्दापूर्वक धारण किया. जिन्होने ईसे धारण किया उन्होने अपनी सफलता का Graph निरंतर चढता हुआ पाया.

स्व. प्रधानमंत्री ईन्दिराजी गांधी, स्व. बालासाहेब ठाकरेजी , अमिताभ बच्चन, रजनिकांत, योगगुरु रामदेव बाबा आदि जैसी फेमस हस्तीयोमे दो बाते आप common पायेंगे:

    1. ये सभी लोग रुद्राक्ष धारण करते थे (या करते है ).
  1. ईन सभी लोगोने अपने कार्यक्षेत्रमें न की सिर्फ एक असाधारण ऊँचाई को छुआं बल्की हमेशाके लिये उस ऊँचाई पर (या नंबर वन की पोझीशन पर) बने रहे.

नयी पिढी के अनेक स्टायलिश सेलिब्रिटीज भी आजकल रुद्राक्ष और रत्न पहनने लगे है. गोविंदा (wears Rudraksha bracelet), सलमान खान (wears gemstone bracelet namely- Turquoise), विद्या बालन, साउथ स्टार धनुष (रजनिकांत के दामाद), खुशबु, करिना और सैफ अली ऐसे कई नाम ईसमे जुड रहे है.

रुद्राक्ष (Rudraksha) के अलावा योगा, मेडीटेशन, यंत्र-साधना, चक्र जाग्रुती, कुंडलिनी जाग्रुती जैसा हमारा पौराणिक ज्ञान भी आजकल पुरे विश्वमे तेजीसे लोकप्रिय हो रहा है. Entire world is following ancient Indian wisdom. यह हमारे लिये निश्चित तौर पर गर्व की बात है.

परंतु, आज के आधुनिक युग मे और Modern Lifestyle कि चकाचौंधमे Mesmerize होकर, यह पौराणिक ज्ञान कही न कही ignore करने कि बडी भूल हम कर रहे हैं. जो कि आज अनेको अनेक समस्याओ कि जड हैं. ईसलिये हम एक ऐसा समाज, एक ऐसी युवा पिढी चाहते है जो आधुनिकता के साथ साथ पौराणिक धरोहरसे भी लैस हो. We need our new generation not just abreast with latest technology but also equipped with ancient wisdom! And Rudraksha is the most Divine fruit of this ancient wisdom!

रुद्राक्ष अक्सर नेपाल, इंडोनेशिया, जावा मे पाये जाते हैं. नेपाली रुद्राक्ष सर्वोत्तम माना जाता हैं. यद्यपी, रुद्राक्ष को मात्र पैसा कमाने का साधन मानते हुये कुछ समय से कुछ व्यापारी तत्व के लोगो ने नकली रुद्राक्ष (fake rudraksha beads) बड़ी मात्रामें मार्केट मे उतार दिये हैं. नकली रुद्राक्ष- जाने अनजाने- धारण करनेसे लोग मनोवांछित फल से वंचित रहते है, परिणामस्वरुप लोगोकी ईस पवित्र मणीप्रती आस्था तथा विश्वास कम होने लगता है. इसलिये रुद्राक्ष खरीदते वक्त उनकी ठीक से जाच पडताल करना और जहा तक हो सके विश्वासपात्र जगह  (reliable  sources) से हि खरिदना महत्वपूर्ण हैं.

रुद्राक्ष (Rudraksha) के संदर्भमे वनस्पती शास्र मे काफी संशोधन किया जा रहा है. ईस विषयमे विकीपिडीया पर अवश्य खोज करे.

ll ओम नम: शिवाय ll


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15 Aug 2017: By Mahadeva’s grace and infinite love of our Patrons, has been honored with Prestigious ‘Most Trusted Rudraksha Supplier Award’ at ‘Spiritual & Wellness Visionary Awards 2017’ @ Hotel Leela Palace New Delhi on 13th Aug 2017.

21 Sept 2019: By bountiful blessings of Mahadeva and everlasting love of Supporters and Patrons, Rudraksha Foundation has been honoured with Prestigious ‘Golden Glory Award 2019’. Prominent Actress Miss Preity Zinta presented the Award. Among other awardees were leading Eductionists, Welness Services, Gems n Jewellery Suppliers, Fashion n Beauty professionals and a few Bollywood celebrities like Mukesh Rishi, Rashmi Desai, Payal Rohatagi etc.


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Shri. Nitinji is a warm hearted person. He precisely analyses birth charts and recommends most accurate rudraksha. Great Service!

Krishna Burra    21/12/2023   London   

I recently purchased a Siddha Mala from Rudraksha Mahima and I'd be happy to mention that I am very satisfied with my purchase. The quality of the Rudraksha beads are very good for the price that they offer here. Mr. Nitin Ji patiently answered all my questions during this process and I am thankful to him. The delivery took only 3 days to Germany with good packaging, that alone scores an extra point.
The Pranaprathishta (energization) of the Rudraksha mala is done at Triambakeshwar Jyotirlinga at Nasik ( in Maharastra) and this makes it even more special.

Before purchasing at Rudraksha Mahima, I had already possessed a Rudraksh Siddha mala for myself from another seller. Those beads are also genuine and excellent but are very expensive. I have been wearing it for some time and have seen the positive effects of Rudraksha on me. This experience motivated me to get a Siddha mala for my wife and was in search of a slightly less expensive sellers. I came to know about Rudhaksha Mahima from Quora and got in touch with Nitin Ji via Whatsapp.
The process went very smooth and I'd like to recommend Rudraksha Mahima to others as well.
Thank you!

Sanketh    04/08/2022   Germany   


I recently purchased a Siddha Mala from Rudraksha Mahima and I'd be happy to mention that I am very satisfied with my purchase. The quality of the Rudraksha beads are very good for the price that they offer here. Mr. Nitin Ji patiently answered all my questions during this process and I am thankful to him. The delivery took only 3 days to Germany with good packaging, that alone scores an extra point.
The Pranaprathishta (energization) of the Rudraksha mala is done at Triambakeshwar Jyotirlinga at Nasik ( in Maharastra) and this makes it even more special.

Before purchasing at Rudraksha Mahima, I had already possessed a Rudraksh Siddha mala for myself from another seller. Those beads are also genuine and excellent but are very expensive. I have been wearing it for some time and have seen the positive effects of Rudraksha on me. This experience motivated me to get a Siddha mala for my wife and was in search of a slightly less expensive sellers. I came to know about Rudhaksha Mahima from Quora and got in touch with Nitin Ji via Whatsapp.
The process went very smooth and I'd like to recommend Rudraksha Mahima to others as well.
Thank you!

Sanketh    04/08/2022   Germany   

Mr. Nitin is kind hearted gentleman and very professional. He listens to our needs patiently and recommends the appropriate Rudraksha beads. Though you may want to spend extra money to buy additional Rudraksha, he doesn't recommend (if we don't require it) and advise only what is needed for us. It is very rare to see such person who is purely interested in service to mankind while everywhere else it is being done in the form of business. I bought it recently from him and delivered high quality original Rudrakshas along with certifications and on time. Thank you so much Mr. Nitin. Kindly continue your service for needy people. May God bless you.

Prasanna Bagavathi    08/01/2022   Bangalore   

This is a long term review.

I was in search of Rudraksha and found many sites who sell them but only few of them gave me confidence but they were very expensive.

I found this site ( in Google search and contacted the given number.

I thank Nitin ji for his for answering all my questions.
He was very peaceful while talking and never put pressure to buy.

Also the pricing is half of what others quote. Initially I did not believe and gave multiple thoughts before purchasing.

Later after few days I called him again and explained the scenarios outside and trusting someone online is difficult.

He clearly told that after receiving I can get it tested and if I feel it is not genuine I will refund the entire money.

He also offered few rudrakshas for free.

Placed the order and received the shipment in proper condition.

Opened the box and found its genuine.

Nitin ji provided instructions on when and how to wear it.

After few days I noticed that things are happening in a proper way.

Wearing Rudraksha is helping me get the right people for the required activity. (I am wearing since 10 months approximately)

It guides you in correct way and boosts confidence.

You will get to know who is what. You can get a sense of it and plan accordingly.

Rudraksha shows you the path to success.

Will I recommend Rudraksha Mahima?
Answer is A Big Yes.

Reasons below:
1) Genuine Rudrakshas
2)Genuine Person with good Intentions (Extremely Important Factor)
3) Cost Effective
4) Excellent Customer Support ( Always reachable via phone and Whatsapp) I contacted him multiple times after purchase. He was always reachable and resolved the queries.
5) Very Knowledgeable person (He knows what he is doing)

Thank you Nitin Ji for providing me the Genuine Rudrakshas. God bless you.

Praveen    19/08/2021   Hyderabad   

Hi Everyone,

I would like to start off by saying that I too came across Rudraksha Mahima website through my search on quora. Initially I just wanted to check out how authentic the products are and if seller is trustworthy. I had a gut feeling about purchasing a particular mukhi rudraksha and I mentioned the same to Mr.Nitinji. After I shared my birth details with him, he informed me that my intuition was right and also suggested some other mukhi rudrakshas to help my situation. He was absolutely right in his analysis and he gave me an explanation for suggesting those rudrakshas. I knew he could be trusted by the way he interacted with me.

What sets Nitinji apart from other sellers is the fact that he travels to Nepal twice every year and cherry picks top quality rudraksha beads himself from very select few dealers there. He informed me that just like in India, there are all sorts of dealers in Nepal who sell you fake rudrakshas for high prices. The prices of beads at Rudraksha Mahima are very reasonable and one can be assured the beads are genuine and top quality. He will also provide a lab certificate with the beads which gives you peace of mind. His packaging is superb and delivery is very fast.

But lets take a moment to talk about the man himself. For Nitinji, this is a passion and not a profession. He has a different full fledged profession but he manages to juggle between his passion and profession and answers all queries one may have regarding the rudrakshas. He is introducing people to rudrakshas not for earning a profit. He is very patient and honest. When I inquired about Rudrabhishek done by him at Tryambakeshwar, he responded by saying that the temple is closed due to the pandemic and he would do it at his private mandir. I was ok with this. Most sellers dont care about you and are only interested in selling stuff. The way some sellers project themselves on their website, in reality they are way different or sometimes even opposite. This is not the case with Nitinji. He is exactly as described in these reviews.

Apart from all this, he also gives meditation techniques and good advice on how to handle and maintain rudrakshas. It was fate that I came across this website. Although there are few other websites which are genuine too but when you compare them with Rudraksha Mahima, this website scores top points for good quality beads, price, customer service, customer satisfaction and after sales service. I would strongly recommend Rudraksha Mahima to anyone looking to buy rudrakshas. This site can be trusted blindly to purchase good quality beads at best prices. I am extremely satisfied with my purchase and would like to thank Nitinji for everything. I wish him peace, prosperity and happiness.
Om Namah Shivay

Mohnish B.

Mohnish B.    21/06/2021   Canada   

I came to know about rudraksha mahima through quora as I was searching for genuine rudraksha.Thanks for such a professional service. Now I can worship the divinity of rudraksha. Om namah shivay🙏🙏🚩🚩🚩

Phani bhargav    13/06/2020   Gudivada, Andhra Pradesh   

Hi Friends,

Firstly i want to thank to nitin ji.. He give me a free of cost (gift) rudraksha combination set to my husband in our bad phase. when i was searching a real Rudraksha on site.. I dont knw how muzhe laga ki rudraksha dharan karna chaiye. koi planning nahi tha kabhi aisa. but den muzhe koi site pe nitin ji ki site ke bare mai pata chala to maine uspe visit kiya. den yaha sare reviews padhne baad bhi muze vishwas nahi ho paa raha tha bcoz aajke samay achhai pe itna jaldi vishwas nahi hota. but den jab nitinji se baat hui and finally jab rudraksha ghar pe pohocha to OMG maine jese hi usko hath mai liya tab koi positive vibes feel hui. us din ke baad se ghar mai dhire dhire changes dikhne lage..i hope aage bhi sab accha hote jaye..and aab mai khud bhi mere liye rudraksha order karne vali hu..god bless u nitinji..aage bhi aise hi acche kaam karte raho aur sabki duvaye lete raho.. har har mahadev.. thank you so much nitinji.. guys u can trust blindly on this site and nitinji also.

Avani chandel    21/12/2019   Panvel   
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Quality of Rudraksha, I received, are really amazing. In today's era, it is very difficult to find original Rudraksha. After wearing, I can feel positivity in myself.Thanks for valuable advice, Nitin ji.

Mani Shekhar Pandey    03/12/2019   Indore   

For a long time I have been looking for real Rudrakshas online, and I was already pretty sure they were impossible to find, and that I would be fooled. I prayed to Shiva to help me with the search and then I found Rudraksha Mahima.
Mr. Nitin patiently answered my questions and was helpful and friendly. I had a feeling from the beginning that I could trust him. I bought a Siddha Mala and I am very satisfied. It is really beautiful and high quality. Delivery to Finland was surprisingly fast. Can't wait for the full effects of the malabeads to take effect. I have also recommended this site for my relatives. Thank you Mr. Nitin, with all my heart I wish you all the best.

Mirella T    20/09/2019   Finland   

Free Consultancy for Selecting Right Rudraksha
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Free Consultancy for Selecting Right Rudraksha
Provider Name
Rudraksha Mahima, Telephone No.+91-77560777
Rudraksha Mahima is committed to spread an awareness about the Divine Rudraksha benefits and provide the devotees with Original Rudraksha beads energized in the most scientific way.
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Aum Namah Shivay
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